Weak and stable operation of ferrosilicon Transaction stalemate

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Ferrosilicon this morning quotation mainstream at 72 8700-8900, 75 9300-9500, 65 8400-8500 yuan / ton cash natural block factory, standard block 72 8900-9000 yuan / ton cash factory. The company ships Zhongwei 08-280, Jiangsu 08 140, Hubei 08 100. On the part of the manufacturer, due to the improvement of transaction orders after the rise in futures last week, coupled with the active demand for hedging speculation, the pressure on factory inventory has decreased, and some can resume orders. This week' futures market fell sharply, the market transaction weakened, and the downstream manufacturers pressed the price and waited to see the market.
Steel bidding: large steel enterprise bidding has been completed last week, this week's pricing of steel companies is less, yesterday a steel mill in Xining priced 9150 yuan / ton acceptance to the factory, Xinyu a small amount of supplementary bidding price of 9400 yuan / ton. Today's Xinyu pricing is 9250 yuan / ton, down 150 yuan / ton compared with yesterday.
Today's Fugu Magnesium Factory quotation of 25500-26000 yuan / ton cash factory, down 500 yuan / ton from yesterday. The price decline is still due to poor market transactions, and the contradiction between supply and demand has not been fundamentally improved. Magnesium plant said that the price of raw coal is still high, to the factory price of 1400-1500 yuan / ton, Lan carbon small material is currently shipped at about 1900 yuan / ton.
In general: in the middle stage, the steel move basically entered the end, the futures market was in a falling state, the market transaction was general, and most of the price droprs such as wait-and-see were the most. This time the factory price increase is not large, the price correction space is expected to be limited, the market stalemate will continue in the short term, maintaining a weak shock.
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